Debate Motions for This Week
Debates for 13-17 July 2015 Debate 4: Wednesday, in-class MOTION: That detentions are a waste of teachers’ and students’ time Prop: Al Faris Dejante Jeremy Aiden Opp: Lehryss Waleed Alex Dejante Debate 5: Thursday, inter-class Final (Library) – against Mr Price’s Class MOTION: This house would introduce a ‘fat tax’. Proposing: Adam Serge Billy Edmund Debates for 6-10 July 2015 Debate 2: Wednesday, in-class MOTION:...
Planning for your Macbeth Essay
The following captures from the classroom whiteboard outline the planning work we’ve been doing as a class for the students’ Macbeth Essay The first draft of your essay is due for completion on Tuesday – please bring it to class that...